

Getting Help In Central Louisiana

Dial 211 for information and more resources 24/7
  • Central Louisiana Human Services District.....318-487-5191
  • Caring Choices Behavioral Health Clinics (Mental Health and Substance Use) Alexandria..(318) 484-6850
  • Developmental Disabilities....... (318) 484-2347

Emergency- Call 911:
Suicide Prevention Hotline.................................(800) 273-8255
Christus Cabrini Behavioral Health................... (318) 487-1122
Rapides Parish Coroner's Office........................(318-473-6831)

Domestic Violence:
Family Justice Center …..................................(318) 448-0884
Domestic Abuse Resistance Team..................(318) 627-5575
Wellspring ...................................................... (318) 412-0226

Alcohol and Drugs:
Alcoholics Anonymous............................. (318) 561-6119
Red River Treatment Center ................... (318) 441-5900
Gateway Adolescent Treatment Center....(318) 441-5900
Edgefield Recovery Center ..................... (318) 279-2751
New Vision Rehabilitation Center............. (318) 992-9210

Mental Health:
Caring Choices.................................. (318) 484-6850
Longleaf Hospital............................... (318) 562-4988
Oceans Behavioral Health Hospital... (318) 448-8473
Westside Habilitation Center…...........(318) 445-1551
Compass Behavioral Health.............. (318) 473-0035
Healing Hearts & Hands.................... (318) 625-7050
We Care Behavioral Health............... (318) 542-4288
Life Changing Solutions ................... (318) 542-4642
Phoenix Family Life Center............... (318) 449-4474
Beacon Behavioral Hospital…..........(318) 346-3143

Local Agencies
United Way of Central Louisiana................... (318) 443-7203
Volunteers of America................................... (318) 442-8026
American Red Cross...................................... (318) 442-6621
Salvation Army............................................... (318) 442-0445
Food Bank of Central Louisiana..................... (318) 445-2773
Cenla Community Action Committee............. (318) 314-3480
Children's Advocacy Network........................ (318) 445-5678
Central Louisiana AIDS Support Services...... (318) 442-1010
Save Cenla Suicide Prevention....................... (337) 519-1888
The Extra Mile................................................... (318) 321-1798
Samaritan House............................................. (318) 664-2014
Central LA Homeless Coalition....................... (318) 443-0500
Main St Baptist Mission Pineville.................... (318) 448-8221
Families Helping Families............................... (318) 641-7373
Merakey........................................................... (318) 441-1105
Eckerd Connects..............................................(318) 443-7900
Legal Aid.......................................................... (318) 443-7281
LouisianaLawHelp.org.............................…….. (887) 521-6242

Louisiana Workforce Commission.................. (318) 487-5532

Councils on Aging: 
Rapides Council On Aging...............................(318)445-7985

10 Signs You May Not Be Coping Well
  1.  Changes in sleep habits (too much or too little)
  2.  Changes in eating habits (losing/gaining weight)
  3.  Unable to shake off feeling blue or down
  4.  Increased use of alcohol or other drugs
  5.  Feeling like "It's just not worth it"
  6.  Feeling like "everything is hopeless"
  7.  Difficulty concentrating; distracted; "in a fog"
  8.  Unable to control anger; irritable over "little things"
  9.  Crying a lot or "shutting down" your feelings
  10.  Fighting with family, friends, coworkers

Caring Choices Clinic:
Outpatient Behavioral Health
& Addictive Disorders Services

Central Louisiana Human Services District
5411 Coliseum Blvd.
Alexandria, LA 71303


Contact Information

Under the I-49 Bridge on Murray Street
Alexandria, LA 71301
Phone: 318-442-7888